As a retired teacher, I have almost always held home schooling in question for many of the reasons you present. In the wake of COVID closed schools and my step-daughter’s community adopting a “don’t even leave your home" frame of mind, we brought her and the five kids up for a couple of weeks. School was online and the two older kid’s work had all three of us scratching our heads.
The other side of the home schooling issue comes from two of my cousins who home school their kids. The older of the two pulled her son from the public school over the lack of support staff for her Aspbergers son and the cruelty of the teacher to him. He has blossomed over the past 10 years. The other cousin home schools both her children due to the younger’s childhood rheumatoid arthritis. Doctor appointments and travel to them and total pain days and prescription observation days would have her miss too much school. They both make it work as a family and the daily tasks and chores of running a household fall on everyone. As for time to self, they have a good handle on it, as well as continuing date nights with the spouse. Home schooling is not for everyone; it takes a special family to make it work well