I am 61 and I remember our difficulties as a family of only three (Yes, I was an only child.). Someone posted a response that seemed to say that everyone more than likely has experienced some kind of government support, but I have to share my case. We got no hand-outs from the government in the recessions of the 1960’s. BUT, my father’s employer continued to keep workers for a few hours each day so they had some income and some sense of self-worth. I remember a story my mom often told about before I was born: She and my father sat at the kitchen table one evening with a can of cream of tomato soup and a single cup of milk. The debate was whether to make the soup with water and drink the milk, or, make the soup with milk and drink water. Penny pinching was part of the nature of growing up in the 60’s.
In the 1980’s, when I married my first husband and got pregnant almost a month after the ceremony, we had a discussion about whether I should take a couple of years maternity leave or go back to teach the next school year. My son was born in late April, so returning for that school year was beyond the normal six week recovery period. I was to return to teaching, gratefully, since my first husband was laid off just before Christmas. I was so busy raising my first son and working and trying to maintain a household, I don’t remember him applying for unemployment benefits, but I’m sure he did.
I’ve gone without, I’ve discussed finances with my children as I went through my divorce to my first husband, and I struggle now on a fixed (pension) income. Prices go up but not my income.