In my days of parenting, I would be frustrated as well.
But, still connected to my former co-workers, teachers are equally frustrated:
1. How to create a safe environment and enforce the safety rules. Especially when there is no financial support from the district to help create that "safe" classroom. In fact, many teachers are spending their own money to create those "safe" classrooms.
2. Teachers are equally frustrated by the potential over-night shut down if someone should test positive for COVID.
3. In some districts whose buildings will remain on remote learning for at least the first quarter of the year, teachers are expected to conduct remote learning from the classroom in the building.
4. Teachers are working on how to live-stream teach to both live students in the classroom AND the remote students at home.
No matter what happens, you are so correct that education for the 2020-2021 school year will be a learn-as-you-go work-in-progress.