Please let me take a moment to say that not all people who refuse to get the COVID vaccine are doing so due to entitlement and selfishness.
First, there is discussion as to whether or not it is safe for transplant patients to get the vaccine. My hubby is one of those. If he decides to get the vaccine, they suggest the Pfizer or the Moderna, but not the Johnson and Johnson, and definitely not the fourth vaccine that is waiting FDA approval as it boosts the immune system - something dangerous for transplant patients on immune suppression drugs.
Second, there are those of us (like hubby and myself) who experience the rare side effects of medications and drugs.
*Example ONE, I had to take a video of my husband's involuntary muscle movements (He kept slapping his shoulder, but didn't realize it.) because the pharmacist and the doctor said that involuntary muscle movements is listed as a side effect but no one experiences it. Sorry, my husband did.
*Example TWO, Hubby was on a blood pressure medication and was experiencing extreme dizziness: Vertigo. We checked into the side effects of the medication and sure enough Vertigo was listed as a side effect. The doctor said that the medication did not cause Vertigo and tried to hold his ground until I handed him the research (Mayo Clinic and the actual medication sheet we were given.)
*Example THREE, in my exhaustion one evening on a vacation, I pulled two Tylenol for me and a blood pressure medication (a different one) for Hubby. I accidently took his medication and placed the Tylenol on the table for him. Panicked, I called the pharmacy. Not too worry, just keep alert for signs of low blood pressure. Nope, not me. I experienced signs of high blood pressure, including a racing heart and sweating.
Third, a pediatric physician (who went on to be a professor at Illinois University School of Medicine) I had for my two boys, impressed upon my ex-husband and I that even though a vaccine was considered safe, the scientific world had no idea what the long term effects would be. He wouldn't advise having that vaccine for the first five years it was out.
I still wear a mask out because even common cold germs could send Hubby to the hospital.
This virus wouldn't have gotten such a foot hold if people and their employers would recognize that people should just stay home if they are ill.