You have hit the nail on the head. In 2019, my husband had several health issues and at least three 911 trips to the ER. To his credit, it takes a lot for him to even take arthritis strength Tylenol. Two of the visits to the ER found us connected with the same doctor. In both of those visits, the ER doctor, without asking any questions about what Hubby had taken for pain in the past, wanted to prescribe him fentanyl.
We had both recently watched an episode of American Greed that discussed the opioid crisis and said no. The second time I asked him why he would suggest such a highly addictive pain killer.
His response? “We give extremely low doses and monitor it closely.”
My husband has an addictive personality, but the doctor didn’t ask any questions other than “Do you want something for the pain?”
I can’t say this enough. Today, it is ultra-important that people play an active role in their health and medical treatment.